Counter-Clock World - In Counter-Clock World, one of the most theologically probing of all of Dicks books, the world has entered the Hobart Phase a vast sidereal process in which time moves in reverse. As a result, libraries are busy eradicating books, copulation signifies the end of pregnancy, people greet with, Good-bye, and part with, Hello, and underneath the worlds tombstones, the dead are coming back to life. One imminent old-born is Anarch Peak, a vibrant religious leader whose followers continued to flourish long after his death. His return from the dead has such awesome implications that those who apprehend him will very likely be those who control the fate of the world.

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Book Details

️Book Title : Counter-Clock World
⚡Book Author : Philip K. Dick
⚡Page : 218 pages
⚡Published November 12th 2002 by Vintage (first published February 1967)

In Counter-Clock World, one of the most theologically probing of all of Dicks books, the world has entered the Hobart Phase a vast sidereal process in which time moves in reverse. As a result, libraries are busy eradicating books, copulation signifies the end of pregnancy, people greet with, Good-bye, and part with, Hello, and underneath the worlds tombstones, the dead are coming back to life. One imminent old-born is Anarch Peak, a vibrant religious leader whose followers continued to flourish long after his death. His return from the dead has such awesome implications that those who apprehend him will very likely be those who control the fate of the world.
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